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Connected Church

Aug 31, 2019

Weekly News for Nonprofits, Churches, Ministries and Faith-based Social Ventures.

For detailed notes, source links and the transcripts visit:

News 1 - New Research Report on Digital Interaction Trends.

News 2 - Instagram is testing a new messaging app.

News 3 - Twitter now has 6-second...

Aug 28, 2019

1. Equip - First, we talk about an interesting question: Should social media accounts be linked to a Government Id?

2. Empower - Is the Christian message and Bible content suitable for social media? We look at part 2 of the answer.

3. Educate - We discuss whether all churches and ministries need to consider setting up a...

Aug 24, 2019

Weekly News for Nonprofits, Churches, Ministries and Faith-based Social Ventures.

For detailed notes, source links and the transcripts visit:

News 1 - Facebook announces new Groups privacy settings.

News 2 - New education tool from Google: Google Assignments.

News 3 - Twitter...

Aug 21, 2019

1. Equip - First, we discuss a research report from the University of California on Brain-Computer interface.

2. Empower - Is the Christian message and Bible content suitable for social media? We look at part 1 of the answer.

3. Educate - How to optimize your Instagram bio. 3 things that could help you position yourself...

Aug 17, 2019

Weekly News for Nonprofits, Churches, Ministries and Faith-based Social Ventures.

For detailed notes, source links and the transcripts visit:

News 1 - China is close to releasing its own Cryptocurrency.

News 2 - Augmented Reality (AR) comes to Google Maps.

News 3 - Facebook in talks...